DIY Chritmas Party Photo Wall

What do you do when you have a party in four hours and you decide you want to make lots of fun pictures and have some Chrismtassy fun? You improvise!

A blank wall in the house, a few empty frames left behind from an old interior decoration project – and some cotton wool to double up as snow – and voila! Your DIY Photo-booth is ready!

You’ll Need:
1. A Coloured or Textured Wall (You could paint a corner wall in a bright colour too!)
2. Empty Photo Frames or Pocket sized Mirrors (You could even use cardboard or rope to create a frame border – go rustic!)
3. Double Sided Tape (Or Blue Tack)
4. Snow Flake Decorations (Or make some manually – you can find many printable Christmas decorations online!)
5. Cotton Wool (to use as snow)
6. Props/Photobooth signs

If you look at the photos – it’s really quite simple: Scatter the frames at random and stick them to the wall. Use Snowflakes (or other fun Christmas images such as Snowmen, Snowangels) and place them inside the empty frames. Use wool to decorate frames as though they’re covered in snow. Point some lights at the wall – and voila! Your PhotoBooth is ready.

PS: Special shout-out to my partner-in-crime, Ms. Ratica Jain who helped sourcing these dollar-value items and joined me in sprucing up this wall!

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