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Keep ReadingIt was November 2008 and we’d just moved into our new apartment in Colaba, overlooking the magnificent Taj dome. When we heard the first explosion, we expected it to be a noise made by a Diwali rocket. But 26/11, the night of horrors, had just begun. The next 36 hours were full of panic, with my mum narrowly escaping a bullet shot made by a terrorist.
Keep ReadingI wrote (and sang) 3 songsto go with tunes that were composed by 'the dark afterglow' - our resulting collaboration resulted in the songs below. 1.Cold Impact And so you say you don’t need me anymore Well there’s the open door I’ve seen you walk out once before... And so ...
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Keep ReadingBy Shakti Pherwani “I don’t care,” proclaims a sophisticated, yet shrill voice – as the four of us settle into comfortable coffeeshop armchairs, “I’ve told Sagar he has only three months left to work on his applications – Oxford, Harvard aur MIT toh definitely – and as backup, two other ...
Keep ReadingThe folks at Viacom International and Vh1 India flew me out to Amsterdam to attend the – wait for it – European Music Awards 2013!! This was the second time the awards had taken place in the Netherlands, the last time being in 1997. This was one HOT ticket, the ...
Keep ReadingBy Shakti Pherwani *SPOILERS AHEAD!* The opening sequence of 7 Khoon Maaf piques interest with it’s noir‐esque blood splatter and serious forensic lab sequence. You are set up for an investigative whodunit that quickly unravels into the narrative of the numerous khoons, each thrown at you in linear succession building up the tension ...
Keep ReadingWas this a dream? The awesome folks at Sony Music and RadioONE flew me out to Singapore to attend the private album release concert of – you guessed it- TheScript’s latest album #3. Not only did these guys put me up at the really swanky Ritz-Carleton Hotel, I also got ...
Keep ReadingBy Shakti Pherwani / Sept 2012 TheScript are back with a third album, #3, which sees them shift gears from their usual pop-ballad sound to a more mainstream rock-anthem-band. As an aspiring musician, it was a great opportunity for me to tap into the band’s psyche and discuss their approach ...
Keep Reading“I did want this record to have more energy, when you have a room full of musicians playing their hearts out you can’t help but latch on to that driving force a group has. I don’t know if I’m moving out of the darker places, but I think with this record ...
Keep Reading“It’s an incredible feeling to have an audience’s attention. It’s an incredible gift people are giving you. They’re giving you a piece of their life, their valuable time, to listen to you sing songs you made up in your bedroom. ” – Jake Newton
Keep Reading“Apparently the ancient Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality (pear trees live for a long time). Its also a symbol of affection in other cultures. In Chinese the word li means both “pear” and “separation,” and for this reason, tradition says that to avoid a separation, ...
Keep ReadingDownright Fiction is a platform for independent thinkers, dreamers, inventors, and believers of personal style and spirit. It’s that medium where you get away with being yourself, on your own terms. The concept originated with the thought of being able to publish any fiction, idea or belief, thought, or story ...
Keep ReadingThe Chapin Sisters Two (Lake Bottom Records ) Two, their second, self-released album, features the smooth vocals of Abigail and Lily Chapin and
Keep ReadingBroken Records Let Me Come Home (4AD Records) Let Me Come Home, the new album by Scottish indie-folkers Broken Records, kick-starts with
Keep ReadingAfter almost growing apart, Scattered Trees have resurfaced with Sympathy, giving us a collection of songs that are heavily wrought with grief, raw emotion and melancholy. With this combination of lyric, heart and soul – these guys aren’t going anywhere!
Keep Reading“Intelligence? It is such a rare, precarious spark that flashes for a moment somewhere among men and vanishes. One cannot tell its nature, its future…or its death (181)” Dragging an economy through utmost vulgarity, Atlas Shrugged presents a so-called ‘moral’ Capitalist system left with no supply, and all demand – ...
Keep ReadingVERSE Everyday I’m standing here, staring at the sun Why’s it so far away and what will I become The wind is blowing through my hair, it’s a beautiful day the birds they catch me watching them and so they fly away They fly so high…. They have wings HOOK ...
Keep ReadingCast: Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, Charles Waldron Director / Producer: Howard Hawks Adapted Screenplay: William Faulkner & Leigh Brackett & Jules Furthman Cinematography: Sid Hickox Music: Max Steiner U.S. Distributor: Warner Brothers *Possible Spoilers Ahead* Based on the 1939 novel by Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep ...
Keep ReadingI walk. They walk. We all walk. And it’s all we do. We just walk. Every single day: to classes, to work, to libraries, to stores, to labs, uphill, downhill, morning, evening, day and night, home. Walk. I’m walking through the same parking lot today and it already means something ...
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