The DIY Interior Design Checklist

Getting organized to remodel or redecorate a single room in the house can feel like quite a daunting task. Sometimes you want to explore various options before bringing in the interior decorator. Sometimes you want to roll your sleeves up and get the job done yourself!

Here are some basic tips to help you, if you don’t know where to begin:

1. Draw up the floor plan – Start by drawing a grid based on the tiles. This will help you get a somewhat accurate representation of the room. Mark out where the existing fixtures are. Make provisions for new fixtures or other devices to be installed. Do you need hot water access in this area? Should there be a new switch point?
2. Mark the lighting plan for the room – Plan, plan, plan.Make a note if you need to conceal wiring anywhere. Mark out where the switch boards are going to be. How many switches are going to be two-way?  Are you going to move any switches or create a master room switch? Do you need a night light near the bed? Do you need to have new wiring installed?
3. If working in the bathroom, it’s a good idea to know where all the pipes run behind the tiles. This helps you avoid mistakes during any re-tiling –especially if you are installing Niche storage shelves next to plumbing. This also helps to spot fix- a broken or leaking pipe.
4. Be aware that your room could be out of order for at least 7 to 10 days, especially if you are going to have any re-tiling/roofing/ leakage repair work done. Make arrangements to have alternate access to a toilet, or cooking facilities during this period if working on either room.
5. It’s always better to finish any ceiling reparation work first, so that cement and sand don’t end up spoiling your walls or fixtures after they’re attached.

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