Business Portrait Photography

The COO of MTLEXS, Saloni Mardia Kothari was looking for some new business portraits to appear alongside interviews, press articles and her company website.
Now, you can easily miss with a business portrait shot , if there isnt much clarity on what you are looking to achieve.
Corporate photography can often turn out cookie-cutter, where the subject is dressed professionally and looks sternly /powerfully/confidently into the camera lens. Ambient lighting and the Location for the shoot play important roles in the process as well, not to mention the kind of outfit and presentation one wishes to achieve as the end result.
For this particular assignment the goal was to not make it look like a serious businessperson’s photograph.
Our setting was an ambient office environment with soft lighting – and the goal was to have photos that were conversational, personable and non-farcical. The profile was to appear in the Wellness section of a leading daily, and so the point was to have pictures that were almost slice-of-life, yet professional.
The client was happy with the lively, fresh photos that resulted from the shoot. Below are some of the results.
Saloni’s profile appeared alongside an interview published on Times Life   and on YourStory

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