Comic Strip Campaign for Truffle Tease

Truffle Tease is the perfect gift to take to a party - and you could never go wrong!

When we started out building the Truffle Tease brand – a home based business run completely off of Facebook - the goal was to simply share home made goodness with customers. Who doesn’t love chocolate?
As the original concept was to purely serve goodies made using  dark chocolate [ The tagline of the brand being Dark Chocolate with Spirit ], we decided to play around with a menu offering that focused on a range of products that showcased this. Photographs made to promote the product range were clicked in a completely DIY style to maintain the essence of the fact that each order was made with love - and to order.
Dark chocolates with nuts, Dark chocolate truffles with various fillings,  dark chocolate cupcakes, a dark chocolate trifle glass and dark chocolate brownies were the main offering for the initial menu designed. Along the way Choco-chip, Oreo and Kit-kat based products and cakes were also added.
And soon, upon completion of one year of the home based cupcake and chocolate service, we decided to play with a  new offering – dark chocolate with flavoured icing. We introduced red velvet cupcakes and a ton of other variations with coloured crème frosting.


Two comic strips and a reveal campaign

A three part campaign was planned, first announcing the one year completion with a teaser.

“We’re turning One and we cant wait to tell you what we’ve gone and done”


Next, a two-part comic strip campaign was designed, using talking cupcakes introducing the arrival of the new fruity flavours and concepts.  


Comic Strip #1

The first one introduced the chatter about the upcoming product range. Then came the comic with all the cupcakes speculating some changes. The idea was to get a buzz going about a change. The announcement of the new range was made at the end of the final graphic.
Interestingly enough, Facebook was going through one of it's redesign phases and so the comic had to be laid out so as to accommodate the vertical format.

Comic Strip #2

The end of the second comic introduced the coloured frosting series.


The end results were amazing. We had a great response and multiple likes and shares from our fans, as the service was completely run out of its Facebook page. There was curiosity over the new range and many orders insisted on trying the new cupcakes!

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